What's the difference between buying on Uniswap and OpenSea?
When you buy an Onchain Tickets NFT on OpenSea, itβs yours to keep, and 1 $TICKET is transferred from the sellerβs wallet to yours. When you buy 1 $TICKET on Uniswap, a new Onchain Tickets NFT is generated and transferred to your wallet.
What happens when you sell or transfer Onchain Ticket NFTs?
If you decide to sell or transfer your NFT to someone else, the NFT doesn't change at all; it just gets a new owner When you sell or transfer a full $TICKET token, the Onchain Tickets NFT that was linked to that token is destroyed. But, if the person receiving your token ends up with at least 1 full token, they get to mint a brand-new NFT. This new NFT will have different details from any before it.
What happens if I had for example 0.69 $TICKET and purchased another 0.31 $TICKET to make it 1 full $TICKET tokens?
If you had 0.69 $TICKET tokens and bought an additional 0.31 $TICKET, a new NFT would automatically be minted for you. This automatic minting process is designed to recognize when your fractional holdings consolidate into a whole token, thereby triggering the creation of a new NFT without any further action required on your part.
I have bought 1.69 $TICKET, how many NFTs am I going to get?
You will get 1 NFT.
If I purchase an Onchain Tickets NFT on a marketplace will I receive the $TICKET token?
When you buy a Onchain Tickets NFT, the $TICKET token that's linked to that NFT automatically becomes yours and is transferred out from the old owner's wallet.
How does the 3% tax on TICKET purchases work?
Every purchase of a $TICKET token incurs a 3% tax. Out of this, 2.7% goes directly to the prize pool, enhancing the rewards available, while the remaining 0.3% goes to the referrer, incentivizing user growth and engagement. There is no tax on the sale of $TICKET tokens.
Are there any limits on the number of Ticket NFTs I can mint?
There are 0.5% Max Tx Amount and 1% Max Wallet Amount limits in place to prevent any single user from acquiring a disproportionate number of tickets. These limits are designed to ensure a fair distribution of tickets and to prevent any single user from dominating the prize pool.
Last updated